The Stone & Taney Counties Community Needs Assessment allows you to quickly and easily create customized reports for your community. Begin by defining your report location, then select the data you want to include in the report. Your completed report can be used to meet reporting requirements, support grant applications, and inform the programs and services you offer to your community.

STEP ONE: Click the names of one or both counties from the list on the left (e.g., Stone County, Taney County, or both).

Your selections will appear, and can be managed, on the right under “Assessment Location.”

–> Click the “Data Indicators” button at the bottom right to move to the next step.

This image shows the first step of the Community Needs Assessment tool. Both Stone and Taney Counties have been selected as the report location.

STEP TWO: Select the data indicators you want to include in your report. Click the carets on the right to expand the data categories.

Click the check box next to the indicator name (e.g., total population, population with any disability, population age 65+) to add single indicators to your report.

Click the check box next to the data category name (e.g., population profile, income, employment) to add an entire data category to your report.

–> Click the “Reports” button at the bottom right to generate your report.

This image shows the second step of the Community Needs Assessment tool. Click the dropdown arrows beside an indicator name to select data for your report.
This image shows step two of the Community Needs Assessment. Click the check box next to an indicator name to add indicators to your report.
This image shows step two of the Community Needs Assessment. Click the "Reports" button at the bottom right to generate your report.

STEP THREE: Explore your completed report. Scroll down to view the data you selected for your report.

Use the round menu button at the bottom of the page to jump quickly between indicators.

This image shows step three of the Community Needs Assessment. Use the menu button at the bottom of the page to jump quickly between indicators.

STEP FOUR: Click the “Share” button at the top of the report to share your report via link, email, or on social media.

Click the “Download PDF” button to download your report as a PDF document.

This image shows step four of the Community Needs Assessment. Click the share button to share your report. Click the download PDF button to download your report as a PDF.